Crafting GameFi Blueprints: A Canvas Beyond Pixels

11 min readOct 6, 2023



Web3 game development known as GameFi introduces tokens, transforming player engagement with real ownership and utility in virtual worlds. Crafting dynamic in-game economies involves critical decisions about token allocation, inflationary vs. deflationary models, and ecosystem token supply, all significantly influencing gameplay dynamics.

Moreover, NFTs add value to Web3 gaming ecosystems by ensuring transparency in item ownership and reshaping traditional in-game purchases. Games like Thetan Arena, let players explore the gaming world before committing to NFT purchases, offering a unique player-centric approach. In this vibrant GameFi arena, the pivotal role of community and governance cannot be overstated, fostering interaction, idea-sharing, and sustainable value creation. Now, let’s embark on a journey through this article that delves into the art of crafting Web3 Games.

Tokenomics: Crafting GameFi Economies

GameFi is bringing an exciting twist to player engagement by introducing the concept of “play to earn” where in-game tokens give players real ownership and usefulness in virtual worlds. However, it’s not as simple as just handing out tokens; it’s about designing in-game economies thoughtfully. These tokens are more than just game points; they’re like digital assets that players can trade, use, and interact with in real life in new and empowering ways.

Source: Analytics Insight

This new potential comes with a big responsibility: crafting a dynamic and sustainable in-game economy requires careful planning. Decisions about token distribution, scarcity and functionality must prioritise fairness, sustainability and balance. Web3 game developers have a unique chance to reshape the gaming industry, but it hinges on creating economies that enhance player experiences while maintaining fairness and sustainability. Here are some key considerations:

Token Allocation

Token allocation is a crucial aspect of web3 ecosystems. It involves deciding the token supply (fixed or uncapped), how tokens are distributed (instant or progressive), and who gets them (community, team, incentives, airdrops, public sale). Setting vesting periods is also important. This approach ensures a balanced and thriving GameFi where all stakeholders are invested in the project’s success whether they are players or developers.

Inflationary or Deflationary?

In the deflationary approach, tokens become scarcer over time, reducing supply but potentially slowing down gameplay if many holders aren’t active. Inflationary models see the token supply grow to ensure enough tokens for in-game activities. Balance between supply and demand is key to a healthy in-game economy. If more value exits the game than enters, it can disrupt economic stability, so games must appeal to a diverse player base for lasting success.

Token Supply Matters

Token supply in the ecosystem denotes the number of distinct tokens that are created and distributed over time, and the choice of how many tokens to utilise can significantly impact a game’s dynamics:

  • Going tokenless simplifies execution, shielding the in-game economy from secondary market speculation. Monetization is straightforward with primary NFT sales and royalties from NFT trades once the game is live. However, it may require off-chain resources or currencies for developing robust game mechanics.
  • The Single Token Approach keeps things simple with just one token, making it easy to implement. However, it can lead to speculative trading on secondary markets. On the upside, it aligns incentives because all participants use the same token, and any changes in monetary policy affects everyone
  • Dual Token Models: The most common model in GameFi. It separates the in-game economy from speculative ‘governance-style’ tokens and creates diverse incentives. Governance tokens gain value from players, while players profit through farming and currency trading, adding a unique flavour to your project.

Token Magic in the Game

In-game ‘utility’ token transactions must be distinguished from those outside the game economy. Maintaining game value requires complexity and trade opportunities. Controlling token acquisition complexity or economic transparency could sway value-extracting players without affecting gameplay. Treating resources as off-chain assets, awarding victors with tokens, and setting earning restrictions are methods to promote sustainability and balance. However, requiring an NFT for gameplay increases complexity but can draw more loyal players.

NFTs as the GameFi Essential

Blockchain technology can revolutionise virtual economies by providing gamers with unparalleled transparency regarding item ownership. NFTs ensure that in-game items remain in the hands of their rightful owners and are always accessible, even if a game server experiences temporary downtime or permanent closure. This decentralisation feature safeguards NFT items from being lost, even if the game itself fades away.

Moreover, NFT items offer inherent value, setting them apart from traditional in-game purchases. Consider the example of buying a character skin. In non-web3 games, these skins lack intrinsic value and usually can’t be resold individually. To recover your investment, you’d have to sell your entire account, and even then, you’d receive only a fraction of what you paid for those skins.

Source: Finbold
Source: Thetan Arena

Community and Governance-Driven GameFi

Community and governance play pivotal roles in the world of Web3 games. The community is the beating heart of any game, providing feedback, creating content, and fostering a sense of belonging. It’s where players come together to share experiences, strategies, and even valuable opinions. In the Web3 era, this connection is amplified as players hold real ownership stakes through NFTs and tokens, making their engagement more meaningful and their voices even more influential.

Governance, on the other hand, ensures that the game’s evolution aligns with the players’ desires and the project’s long-term sustainability. It’s a democratic process where token holders get to vote on key decisions, from gameplay changes to economic adjustments. This empowers players, letting them have a say in the game’s direction and fostering a sense of ownership beyond just playing. Together, community and governance create a symbiotic relationship, ensuring that Web3 games thrive by placing the players at the centre of the gaming universe.

Source: BeInCrypto

Community as Web3 Gaming’s Vital Force

Communities in GameFi are the real game-changers. It’s not just about playing together; it’s about players providing valuable feedback that can make a game better, whether through praise or constructive criticism. Building and maintaining a strong community within Web3 projects is a crucial part of the experience. Take popular games like Guild of Guardians or Axie Infinity, for example. They’ve thrived not just because of their gameplay but also because of the communities they’ve fostered. These communities offer camaraderie that goes beyond gaming, hosting virtual concerts, tournaments, and global meetups.

But the role of a community goes beyond mere affinity. It’s about collaboration and the power to influence the game world, creating connections that extend beyond the virtual realm. Your fellow players become your allies in the quest for an engaging gaming experience.

Playability Matters in GameFi

Playability is a fundamental aspect of GameFi for a simple reason — it makes games accessible and enjoyable. In the Web3 arena, where blockchain technology and NFTs are in play, a user-friendly experience is even more crucial. Players should find it easy to navigate the game world, manage their digital assets, and engage with blockchain-based features seamlessly. An intuitive interface is the key to attracting and retaining players in Web3 games.

Beyond accessibility, playability directly impacts engagement and a game’s success. Games that are easy to grasp and fun to play encourage players to spend more time in the virtual world. In the context of Web3, this translates to more meaningful interactions with NFTs, tokens, and blockchain assets. It enhances the overall gaming experience, motivating players to explore, invest in, and contribute to the game’s ecosystem. In the ever-evolving world of Web3 gaming, prioritising playability is essential to capture and keep a diverse player base engaged.

Source: Cointelegraph

Innovative Gameplay Mechanics: Unique and engaging gameplay mechanics are essential. Games that introduce fresh, inventive ways to play, whether through innovative combat systems, puzzle-solving, or interactive storytelling, capture players’ interest and encourage them to explore further.

Challenging Missions and Quests: A game should provide not just fun but also mental stimulation. Challenging puzzles, quests, and missions that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills can immerse players for hours as they strive to overcome hurdles and achieve goals.

Dynamic Player Economy: A dynamic in-game economy where players can buy, sell, trade, or craft items adds depth and replayability. The prospect of building wealth or owning rare NFTs within the game motivates players to invest their time and effort.

Competitive Multiplayer and Game Modes: Engaging in competitive multiplayer battles or team-based challenges can keep players hooked for extended periods. The thrill of facing off against other real players and the potential for recognition and rewards drive player engagement.

Story-Driven Narrative: A compelling and immersive storyline with branching narratives and player choices can make a game highly captivating. When players feel like they are part of an epic journey with real consequences, they’re more likely to spend hours exploring the game’s depths.

Genres in Web3 Gaming

Web3 games have swiftly evolved, shedding their initial trading and collecting image, driven by innovative developers and a growing player base. This diversification not only enriches the market but also heightens developer competition. Choosing the right genre is now crucial for Web3 games, as different types gain immense popularity within this dynamic gaming sphere.

Source: Vegavid


Web3 Gaming is poised to revolutionise MMORPGs, ensuring true ownership of in-game items. MMORPG Web3 games like Decentraland, and The Sandbox have stormed the gaming market, embodying this transformative fusion of immersive gameplay with blockchain’s potential.

Source: Analytics Insight

Strategy Games

Popular tactical game Axie Infinity exemplifies GameFi. These strategy games are known for their difficult gameplay and complex in-game economies that may turn virtual goods into NFTs and tokens by winning and ranking up the leaderboards. Players become landowners and resource managers in strategy games like Axie Infinity, offering real-world trade potential.

Source: Axie Infinity

Shooter Games

A Web3 shooter game involves players controlling characters armed with ranged weapons to eliminate targets, often integrating blockchain technology, NFTs, and tokens for asset ownership, exemplified by games like Metastrike, which was launched on PAID Ignition.

Source: Metastrike

Blockchain & Ecosystem Synergy

Picking the right blockchain and ecosystem is vital for Web3 games. Each blockchain has its strengths and weaknesses. For example, Ethereum has a large user base but faces scalability issues and high fees, while newer blockchains like Polygon offer faster, cheaper transactions but may have a smaller user community.

Ecosystem choice matters too. Different ecosystems offer unique communities and integration options. Game developers must weigh these factors to find the best fit for their game. Ultimately, the blockchain and ecosystem choice can significantly impact a Web3 game’s performance and success in the competitive world of GameFi

Source: BlockchainCouncil

Nevertheless, pinpointing the ideal blockchain and ecosystem presents a challenge, given the instances of games migrating between blockchains and ecosystems.

Games often transition between blockchains or ecosystems in search of improved opportunities, enhanced compatibility or scalability. Yet, it’s worth noting that several games seamlessly support multiple chains without encountering any significant challenges or issues.

The Rise of GameFi Studios

In the world of GameFi, multi-game studios are the creative minds behind diverse gaming experiences. They craft multiple games, each tailored to different player preferences. These studios keep the GameFi’s landscape dynamic, offering options from immersive adventures to strategic challenges. By merging blockchain technology with imaginative design, they enrich the gaming scene.

With innovation at the core, these studios redefine Web3 gaming’s future. Whether you enjoy epic quests or competitive strategy, these creators are dedicated to providing thrilling gaming experiences, making Web3 gaming an ever-evolving realm for players to explore and enjoy.

Gala Games

Source: MEXC Blog

Gala Games, on the Ethereum blockchain, offers an array of play-to-earn crypto games and NFTs across genres. It’s a decentralised platform with over 16,000 active Gala nodes. Players use GALA tokens for in-game transactions and trading, earning rewards in GALA. Popular games are Townstar and VOX just to name a few with more in development.

Nakamoto Games

Source: NakamotoGames

Chawalit Rugsasri launched Nakamoto Games in December 2020, a play-to-earn gaming platform on Polygon. It features in-house games like Night Warriors and Spooky games, alongside third-party titles, offering a variety of gaming experiences. Tournaments in some games offer rewards, and independent developers can easily share their games on Nakamoto, earning royalties when players enjoy them. It’s a win-win for gamers and creators in this thriving ecosystem.

Sidus Heroes

Source: SidusHeroes

Launched on PAID Ignition, Sidus Heroes is a cross-platform Web3 metaverse that has evolved from a single NFT MMORPG into a vast gaming universe. Discover unified lore, tokens, and Play-to-Earn mechanics powered by blockchain technology. Explore unique planets like Tembazar, where you can become a formidable warrior, or Xenna, where prosperity awaits as a landowner. Alternatively, test your trading skills at Central Station.


In conclusion, GameFi is on the verge of a transformative era, where tokens offer players real ownership and value in virtual realms. Crafting sustainable in-game economies is crucial, focusing on fairness and balance in token allocation and scarcity models. NFTs add transparency and intrinsic worth to in-game assets, reshaping traditional purchases. Community and governance are pivotal, elevating player engagement and influence, while playability remains key for accessibility and enjoyment.

With a multitude of genres and blockchain choices available, the Web3 gaming landscape is ever-evolving. To stay updated on this exciting journey, follow PAID Network’s social media and Medium accounts for the latest insights and developments in GameFi and more.

Disclaimer: Mention of any specific projects do not constitute any endorsement or recommendation. Any tokens and strategies are not financial advice. Readers should conduct their own due diligence.

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Ignition is PAID Network’s IDO Launchpad where our mission is to connect highly vetted founders with brilliant ideas for curated projects and offerings with crowd-sourced funding and best-in-class incubation tools and advisors to bring the vision of founders and creators to fruition for the benefit of all.

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