PAID Network to use Chainlink VRF for random Arbitrator selection in its Decentralized Legal Agreements

5 min readNov 20, 2020


Integration of provably fair randomness via Chainlink VRF is part of project’s ambitions to be the transparent face of the new legal system

PAID Network, the new borderless legal toolkit, is excited to announce its upcoming integration of the Chainlink Verifiable Function (VRF) to provide unbiased and auditable randomness as part of its dispute resolution process. The integration will allow the protocol to fairly, securely, and transparently select three random Arbitrators from across the network of eligible users, who will then arbitrate on the dispute.

What is Chainlink VRF?

As Chainlink outlines, Chainlink VRF “utilizes verifiable random functions to generate randomness that is verifiable on-chain”. It works accordingly:

Source: Chainlink

The benefit of using Chainlink VRF as opposed to other random number generators (RNG) solutions, is that it’s both secure and auditable on-chain by all users. PAID Network will submit a seed to Chainlink, which is used by Chainlink nodes to generate a random number. The result is then published on-chain with an associated cryptographic proof verifying the correctness of the computation. As Chainlink states, the RNG computation is verified using the oracle’s public key as well as the application’s (in this case, PAID Network’s) seed.

“In short, Chainlink VRF cannot manipulate an application that uses it properly; it can only go offline or withhold a single result before being removed as a source of any future randomness. This creates superior security for smart contract developers and their users.”

- Chainlink

This is another example of Chainlink showcasing why it’s the market-leading decentralized oracle solution, already proven by its ability to secure billions of dollars in digital assets on mainnet for decentralized applications. Since Chainlink oracle services are performed by a global network of Sybil-resistant node operators, it provides our protocol with extremely high uptime, availability, and security. Furthermore, Chainlink is blockchain agnostic and functions on both Ethereum and Polkadot. This is crucial to us, as we intend to operate across both networks.

Why does PAID Network need Chainlink VRF?

PAID Network intends to service the legal agreements of a wide range of businesses and individuals. To achieve a high degree of user confidence, it is crucial that users trust us. Achieving that means users having confidence in the network to treat all users equally.

Dispute resolution is a key part of PAID Network. Although we are looking forward to reducing the number of legal cases ending in disputes– due to our use of SMART Agreements and escrow — there will inevitably be disagreements. We are building a protocol able to support such disagreements. When a dispute is raised, three Arbitrators will be chosen to pass judgement over the case. Their collective decision will determine the ultimate outcome of disputed cases.

As such, PAID Network needs to be able to assure all participants involved in the dispute process that the judges have been chosen randomly from across the total network of staked Arbitrators, rather than one party having unfair influence over the Arbitrator selection process (or being appointed themselves). This is why we are utilizing Chainlink VRF to not only choose the Arbitrators randomly, but definitely prove to everyone involved that they were chosen at random.

“As Vitalik Buterin has commented in the past, truly random number generation has been extremely difficult for decentralized protocols. PAID Network must use a random number generator to select our Arbitrators at random, but it’s been difficult finding the perfect solution. Now with Chainlink VRF, we have an ideal solution built specifically to satisfy the security and transparency requirements of smart contracts. Chainlink VRF is an ideal fit for us and we are thrilled to be including this technology into PAID Network.”

- Kyle Chassé, Founder & CEO of PAID Network

Decentralized Law in every way

We are building the first Decentralized Law (DeLa) network. As such, PAID Network is being built from the ground up to be decentralized. Chainlink VRF is a key part of that process, particularly for selecting Arbitrators democratically and provably fair. It is also far quicker than the process of selecting an Arbitrator and subsequently waiting for them to have the time to arbitrate. This means we can better serve users by facilitating quick and easy dispute resolution via a randomly selected set of qualified Arbitrators. On top of being another reason for users to use and trust PAID Network, this feature becomes a further key advantage of DeLa in the fight to revolutionize the traditional legal system.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the most widely used and secure way to power universal smart contracts. With Chainlink, developers can connect any blockchain with high-quality data sources from other blockchains as well as real-world data. Managed by a global, decentralized community of hundreds of thousands of people, Chainlink is introducing a fairer model for contracts. Its network currently secures billions of dollars in value for smart contracts across the decentralized finance (DeFi), insurance and gaming ecosystems, among others.

Chainlink is trusted by hundreds of organizations to deliver definitive truth via secure, reliable data feeds. To learn more, visit, subscribe to the Chainlink newsletter, and follow @chainlink on Twitter.

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About PAID Network

PAID Network seeks to redefine the current business contract, litigation, and settlement process by providing a simple, attorney-free, and cost-friendly DApp for users and businesses to ensure they #GetPAID. Leveraging Plasm to operate on both Ethereum and Polkadot ecosystems, SMART Agreements built through smart contracts to execute business agreements seamlessly, and DeFi to make business exponentially more efficient.

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