PAID v2 Compensation Update for Gate users

1 min readApr 29, 2021

Dear PAID Community,

Thank you to all affected Gate users for their continued patience after submitting their claim form.

For everyone that submitted a claim, we have now processed and validated the first batch of submissions and have begun distribution of compensation to all eligible claimants. The PAID v2 tokens will now be showing in your designated ERC20 wallet.

  • The PAID v2 contract address is: 0x1614f18fc94f47967a3fbe5ffcd46d4e7da3d787

The exact calculations used for compensation can be found in our previous March 18th update. These are the same terms we used for everyone that was eligible, be it on Uniswap or otherwise.

All of the first batch claimants will have now received an email, if you haven’t, please don’t worry as we are already processing the next batch of submissions.

If anyone has not yet submitted their form, we encourage you to do so here.

Thank you,

PAID Network Team

