Deeper Network commits to launch on Ignition!

5 min readMar 10, 2021


PAID Ignition continues strong! We are so excited to announce Deeper Network has committed to launch their IDO on Ignition, with exact details to be announced soon!

Join the Deeper whitelist HERE!

Introducing Deeper Network, changing the way we connect to the web.

Founded in 2018, Deeper first appeared on the radar when they developed AtomOS, the world’s first lock-free network operating OS. Promising to circumvent the need for VPNs, AtomOS was released on the Deeper Connect after a sensationally successful Indiegogo fundraiser. Since then, Deeper has seen sales figures of over $700,000 across the world. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to what Deeper is doing.

Log on to Web 3.0

Welcome to a whole new version of the internet. Deeper is the world’s first blockchain-powered all-in-one solution to internet security, privacy, and freedom from censorship. Part of the Polkadot ecosystem, the Deeper Network is a decentralized private network. It acts as a P2P decentralized bandwidth sharing network where any user can act as both client and server.

Because the network has no central servers, users’ information cannot be logged, leaked, hacked, or subpoenaed. Deeper is committed to creating a “freedom-focused internet,” where any kind of censorship is impossible to implement or enforce.

The growth of many P2P networks is hampered because of a shortage of bandwidth supply. Deeper though, have come up with a unique blockchain solution. Supplying bandwidth to the Deeper Network is rewarded with DPR tokens. The DPR tokens can in turn be used to consume bandwidth from the network. This means that the network will develop into a balanced self-sustaining economy, and any barrier to massive exponential growth is completely removed.

Uber and Airbnb have revolutionized how people travel and seek accommodation. Both are valued at over $10 billion, yet neither own any cars or property. Deeper is bringing the massive potential of the sharing model to the internet with their serverless network. The Deeper Network already has over 8,000 nodes in 80 different countries and it is hard not to see massive growth ahead when the model has already been so successfully implemented in other sectors.

Be part of a new World Wide Web. Whitelist for Deeper HERE.

Accessible to Everyone

So how do you become a node in the Deeper Network? That’s where the Deeper Connect comes in. Deeper Connect is Deeper’s unique piece of hardware that allows users to access the Deeper Network.

The philosophy of the Connect is zero customization and plug-and-play. The device is simply plugged in between the router and the modem. Turn the power on and you’re ready to go!

This ease of use is going to be a key asset in growing the network. It removes one of the key barriers that many blockchain projects have to overcome to break into the mainstream. Namely, that the technology can seem complicated and hard to understand for people completely unfamiliar with computer science.

Deeper Connect is simple. Just plug in and reap the benefits.

In order to bypass surveillance systems, Deeper Connect will automatically encrypt network data, search for regional proxies, and disguise data flows, all of which allow users to easily bypass surveillance systems, and grant them access to a secure, shared, open internet. This also means no more VPN subscriptions, ever! Deeper Connect has you sorted for life.

Deeper has already secured many exciting partnerships. Along with the value that comes with working with PAID Network and Master Ventures, they are also allied with Spark, Youbi Capital and Best Buy which will only serve to get the Connect into more and more homes.

And there are more exciting plans on the horizon. Along with a host of new partnerships, this year will see development finish on the 6th generation of the Deeper Connect, The Deeper Connect Pico. There will be an over-the-air update for Wi-Fi support across all devices and a mobile app that allows connection to the VPN network.

In short, Deeper is creating an internet that empowers its users. It is creating a system that realizes the potential that the internet always had. It’s creating a system that takes the internet out of the hands of centralized agents and puts it back into the hands of its users.

More Deeper IDO on Ignition details and instructions will be announced soon. For now, you can apply to the whitelist HERE.

PAID Token V2 is now live!

It is with great pleasure to announce the PAID v2 token contract address below:


We thank you for your patience as we lauchedPAID v2 token and initiated airdrops during our snapshot, read about here.

We are forever grateful and appreciative to our loyal community, thank you again!

Note: we have contacted Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, and other platforms to update to the new token contract address. Please only use the contract address above until they have updated.

Furthermore to learn about your eligibility for our PAID v2 airdrop incentive programs HERE and HERE

Access For All of Our PAID Community Members

The Deeper Connect is not the only thing that’s accessible to everyone. We’ve had many requests for our smaller token holders to be granted more access to the PAID network’s benefit. These requests have been granted!

Thanks to our new rules about Whitelist lotteries, IDOs are now possible for even more of our token holders. Now, anybody who holds just 1,000 $PAID will get one entry into each lottery.

For more info, please see HERE.

We’re excited to see this new model develop, and look forward to rewarding our loyal community.

About Deeper

Deeper Network represents the world’s first decentralized blockchain network for building a truly private, secure and fair Internet. Deeper Network Inc. was founded in 2018 with the vision of leveraging blockchain technology to empower the real users of the internet. Deeper Network is building both the Web 3.0 infrastructure of the future and an accessible gateway for everyone to join the revolution.

About PAID

PAID Network seeks to redefine the current business contract, litigation, and settlement processes by providing a simple, attorney-free, and cost-friendly DApp for users and businesses to ensure they #GetPAID. Leveraging Plasm to operate on both Ethereum and Polkadot ecosystems. Building SMART Agreements through smart contracts in order to execute DeFi transactions and business agreements seamlessly, making business exponentially more efficient.

PAID streamlines backend legal operations with SMART Contracts, so that projects can focus on making their brand bigger and better.


IGNITION is a featured product of PAID Network, operating as a decentralized swapping protocol which allows blockchain-based token projects to offer their private and public auctions. The platform features Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and here shortly, Polkadot functionality.
Ignition is different from other auction platforms in that it properly vets and selects only top-tier cutting-edge projects. Its multi-level incentivization mechanisms for participants of published projects will encourage HODLing that supports both the project founders and the community. It isn’t just a trading platform, it FUELs projects and takes fundraising to the next level.
Ignition brings quality projects, fixed swaps, and equitable lottery participation to the PAID community.
For any questions for the PAID network, please feel free to reach out to us on:

Telegram: @PaidNetwork
Twitter: @PAID_Network
Medium: @PAIDNetwork



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